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Zip Filter 91240

Zip Filter 91240

Regular price $229.00
Regular price Reduced price $229.00
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Removes dirt, rust and particulates that contaminate drinking water.

This Zip Sub micron filter eliminates offensive odours by reducing chlorine and other chemicals and gives better tasting drinking water by removing organic contaminants. Also filters out asbestos fibres and micro-organisms such as giardia and cryptosporidium to international standards 42 and 53.

Filter replacements at intervals of 6 - 12 months is recommended depending on levels of usage and water quality. Zip Filters areᅠeasy to change, as easy asᅠchanging a light globe!

Fully encapsulated for superior hygiene.

For use with:
ZIP HydroTap


Flow rate: 1.9 Lpm (0.5 gpm)
Capacity: 6 months; (no longer than 12 months) depending on usage
0.5 Microns

Genuine Zip Cartridge: SKU91240


Keywords: 2091240 zip filter, Zip filter 91240, genuine Zip Filter 91240, discounted Zip Filter 91240, Zip Cartridge 91240, Zip Filter 91240 Melbourne Victoria

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